Sunday, June 14, 2009


Since beginning to vlog again, these blogs have greatly dissipated. A lot of anxiety has re-entered my life and I wish things just didn't get the best of me. I was talking to a friend recently about how I can't see how my life can be exciting. I never was one of those kids growing up who dreamed of much. I always felt important and that I was meant to do something but nothing ever hit me to strive for anything. I know great things take a lot of work but a passion for something must exist and for me there is nothing.

The only motivation for me to become an adult, live on my own and take all responsibilites in full is not because I strive for any goal... it is just realizing that things right now just dont work.


  1. When wanting an exciting life, it can quite often come down to the cliché that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."

    Excitement comes in many different forms and often we have no choice as to which type is presented to us. The wrong kind can leave us tired, depleted, and cynical. I expect you know what sort of excitement my life has mostly been composed of.

    I strive for a contented life rather than an exciting one. My daily goals may be something as mundane and tiny as simply setting out to make a few people smile.

    Sometimes there are periods in our lives when the only motivation that is really important is to be the best person we can each day. And as night falls, we need to look back on the day's events and say to ourselves, "I did good."

  2. Ah, well put Cameron. I was just thinking too that excitement will happen regardless I guess. That's what makes something exciting, the unexpected.. and yes hopefully on the pleasant side of things. I guess I should just continue doing what is needed, stay true and good, and seize the moments when excitment arises.
